Red Cross

The Dunman Red Cross Youth (RCY) is an integral component of the Singapore Red Cross Society. This distinguished uniformed group comprises individuals who have chosen to enrich their secondary school experience by actively participating in the community through various first-aid services.
With "Serving Humanity, Saving Lives" as the guiding motto of RCY, our primary goal is to mold our cadets into servant leaders who contribute to the community by applying the skills they acquire through Red Cross activities. Our vision for Red Cross cadets is to nurture them into ethical change-makers deeply rooted in strong values. They will learn to make thoughtful decisions, maintain discipline in all their endeavors, and execute their responsibilities with unwavering dedication to excellence.
To ensure the comprehensive development of our cadets, beyond imparting First Aid and Disaster Management skills, we provide them with opportunities to engage in outdoor orienteering, team-building activities, promotion of the Blood Donation program, rigorous foot-drill sessions, headquarters and internal camps, participation in the International Youth Exchange Programme, and more. Additionally, they will have the chance to initiate and partake in both local and international Values-In-Action (VIA) activities.

Since 2020 the Red Cross Youth in Dunman Secondary School was continually awarded Gold for the Excellent Unit Award (EUA).
Red Cross Youth cadets have participated and excelled in the following HQ events.
First-Aid Championships (Junior + Senior Categories) Disaster Risk Reduction Championship
Ambassadors of Blood Competition
Values in Action (Smoke Free campaign)
Unit Leadership Program
Every Friday – 2:30PM to 5:30PM
Ms Chandramita Halder:
Mr Nathaniel Dylan Lim:
Mdm Nurhidayah Binte Mohd Salleh:
Mr Chua Hock Kheng: