School Wide Programme
Programmes and Activities
Individual Responsibility- School-wide Programmes (For all Secondary 1-5 Students)
The school-wide programmes aims to instill a sense of Individual Responsibility and ethics in Science raising awareness of the role of each individual can play in our planet, for example, conservation, sustainability and biodiversity.
Hall Assembly Programme: ‘Why Conserve?’ (Collaboration with Singapore Zoo)
Science Panel Exhibitions (Collaboration with National Parks Board)
- An exhibition of “People, Forest & Environment”
- Biodiversity Exhibition
East-Zone Programmes (Optional)
On top of the various programmes offered, all students have the opportunity to participate in East Zone Programmes that are organized by our Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Science. Students learn concepts that are not taught in the classroom and also to network with students from other schools and tertiary institutes.
- Scientific Poster & Presentation Skills Talk (Conducted in Dunman by Science Centre)
- Fun with Electronics (Conducted in Dunman by Science Centre)
- Nutrition Strategies for Sports Excellence Talk (Conducted in Dunman by Temasek Polytechnic)
- Fun with Drones (Conducted in Temasek Polytechnic)
- Fruit Oil Extraction (Conducted in Temasek Polytechnic)
- Learning Journey to At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy

Life Science Research Centre
The key facility of the Centre of Excellence at Dunman is the Life Science Research Centre. Established since 2002, the Life Science Research Centre reaches out to all primary and secondary schools in the East Zone to offer exciting Life Science workshops for students. The Life Science Research Centre also supports schools in customizing workshops for their teachers and students. Teachers and students can also make use of the facilities in the Life Science Research Centre to carry out research projects.